Tuesday, June 19, 2007


I had such a great time in Ohio. It was great to see family so much and really fun to bond with Mandy and Ben K with a fun, traditional, Kessler-y project. In addition to tutoring and babysitting this summer, I got a job as a waitress at Cloud Cliff, a wonderful, slow-food, organic, bakery/restaurant. I was pleased to find out that there are no creepy behind the scenes things going on there, and that the people are actually as friendly as they seem. The best part of my first day of work was getting to know the numerous, amazing Mexican men who work there. All of the waitresses are cute girls, and all the rest of the staff are Mexican men, who are soooooo nice and absolutely hilarious. Only difficulty that arises is explaining special orders to the chef. Must learn Spanish. Yay! Ben H started his horsecamp job yesterday and is working right now...the lady who planned this whole thing embodies the stereotype of the irresponsible rich lady, flitting through life without working, and hatching schemes which she only executes halfway. If this sounds at all like me, just remember that I have THREE jobs and am working very hard at growing out of my phase of phases. Sort of.

So far, life after graduation has been amazing. I never quite realized how much emotional energy St. John's drains until this month...I have been generally happier (except for those moments when I am overcome with how messed up the world is) and more in love with Ben H than ever. It is fantastic to be back in Santa Fe with him. We watched Maxed Out the other night (another depressing documentary-this one about how the credit industry seeks out and takes advantage of high-risk people) and it was soooo cute how much it freaked Ben out. He spent the next couple of times opening the mail completely outraged that he was getting solicited by so many credit companies. I have been looking at Idealist.org for job opportunities in L.A. and am considering looking for a longer-term, more noble, job than waiting tables when I get there. We'll see, I guess.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Don't worry Moira, I haven't forgotten you!

This is to Moira,

Happy birthday, Moira! I'm sorry I didn't call you on your birthday...I forgot that from L.A. to Columbus is a three-hour time difference (because I'm used to Santa Fe to Columbus, which is only two hours) and when I picked up the phone to call you it was 10 instead of 9, and then today I just totally dropped the ball again, but happy birthday! But the cool thing is that I'll be in Columbus from this Thursday until next Wednesday, so maybe we could all (your family and Mandy and Ben K too!) go out for ice cream (or whatever you'd like) and celebrate belatedly. What do you think? Can't wait to see you and can't believe you're soooooo big! Love, Aunt Anne