Tuesday, January 31, 2006


This post is for everyone who ever wants me to call or write to them.

Geographical update: I go to what was, just today by an outsider, referred to as the geekiest college in the country: St. John's College. Fair enough. I live in New Mexico, which I always thought of as sort of a brown-colored, dry, state, but which is actually the most beautiful place I've had the pleasure to live in. The college is in the very small foothills of the southernmost part of the Rockies, and looks out onto more mountains in every direction.

Educational update: St. John's is a crazy idea. Johnnies, the name of students of the college, a name my boyfriend abhors and which I will try to abstain from using, take four years of liberal arts. Science, history, philosophy, religion, music, math, political science, psychology...we get "credits" in each of these areas for reading and discussing the great books of the western canon (although we don't like the western canon because it is from Yale...and we were sort of born out of the University of Chicago). So, freshman year you start of with the Greeks and you sort of just...breeze...through history. I'm a third year student, so I'm currently wallowing in a morass of Hume, Leibniz, Newton, Faraday, Racine, and other radicals. I miss Lucretius, a Roman epicurean we read freshman year, who got away with writing a poem about atoms and epicureanism. It's amusing in a way that, let's face it, Leibniz, is not. The funniest thing about Leibniz is how much he liked the word monad, and let's face it, that's not a lot to have going for you.

Romantic update: I really hope that I don't have to do a lot of things, but it's been a pretty crazy year and I feel that here it is warranted. So, Laszlo and I are disengaged and broken up, a process which continues to be difficult for both of us.

Family update: Yes, I fully intend to gossip about family in this blog. No, family, you can't stop me. Actually, Sam probably can because he knows about to extract lots of money from people and stop them from breaking laws, and if there is a law against talking about people on blogs, I'm sure he...oh, no, wait, he lives in England, never mind. Actually, no, it feels wrong to talk about people.

Another romantic update: So, I thought I'd have a paragraph between the update above and this one. I have a new boyfriend, whose name is Ben. He is from Southern California, is in my core group, (which means I have every one of my classes with him), and generally impresses the hell out of me.


Unknown said...

Anne, is this some modern version of a form letter? Is this why you don't return my e-mails--I can just get the Anne Marie updates here?
For shame! From my own sister!

RheLynn said...
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RheLynn said...

nice couple of posts -- I'd be interested in more of the Lucretius and Leibniz!