Friday, April 06, 2007

Oral completed successfully!

I had my senior oral this morning at 9am. It went really well. The tutors seemed to have enjoyed my paper, and our conversation was friendly and productive. I'm going to refrain from telling you what the tutors wrote on my essays, because that would be bragging, and instead just bring it up and let you know that their comments were really nice. See how I just bragged, but indirectly? Anyway, I only have six weeks left, which should be a good thing but is sort of sad, especially since I will probably get very little accomplished between now and then. I included the picture above just because I like was taken after the oral this morning.


Anne Marie said...

If I were Ben K I would photoshop that woman in the background.

Unknown said...

Yeah!! Congratulations!

Oh, and be Ben K on this one.

Mandy said...

Go, Anne! You like that picture 'cause you look gooorgeous in it. Very chic.

Bradford said...

Congratulations Anne Marie! Don't be Ben K. Give that woman's back her moment.

Me said...

I have restrained myself for an entire month but now I have to nag--NEW POST, NEW POST!!!