Monday, December 11, 2006

Midwife Roadtrip 2006!

Wednesday I'm driving up to Taos to interview for the midwifery apprenticeship with the Northern New Mexico Midwifery Center. So, I already have a list of questions, but I wanted to ask all of you if you have anything you would like me to ask about midwifery in general, or this place in particular, when I am up there. I'd love it if you could comment with any questions you have.


Anonymous said...

Dear Anne--I cannot think of any great questions and i'm sure you've already got all the basic ones on your list, but I just wanted to let you know that your blog entertains me greatly and that I think that midwifery sounds really cool and I bet you'll love it. I miss you!! Have a great holiday. Love, Kate

Me said...

Okay, I know this is the most obvious question of all BUT you wanted questions so . . .


I know we've talked about this before, but as a midwife how do you detect if there are problems with the baby during labor? With Moira the cord eventually became wrapped around her neck and each contraction was basically strangling her. (They had that monitor thing attached to her internally at that point.) That prompted a more agressive delivery with the dreaded forceps blah, blah, blah. Then I started losing a lot of blood and passed out (although I was adamant with the nurses that I was not passing out, I was simply tired)and they had to put the oxygen mask on me and things got pretty ridiculously complicated at that point.

So I've often wondered what would have happened if I wasn't in a hospital setting for all that. What would have happened to Moira? Would a midwife have been able to detect a problem? And was the problem exaggerated by the medical staff or was it a genuine emergency? Hmmmmmm . . .

So I'm all for being footloose and fancy free during labor, but if the annoying attachments are going to save my kid's life . . .

Mandy said...

I *do* want to know how things went....

Mandy said...

Man, how long are you in Taos? Let us know how it went!

Unknown said...

Sooooooooo? When are we going to get the road trip summary? We're not going to have to wait until Maine are we?