I went to the drive-in with four of the girls to see Batman last night. Yesterday was an exhausting day. I had class and lab all day long, Grandma and Grandpa got in to Bennington a day early for their visit, so we had dinner and talked, and then they went to bed and I went to the drive-in. There's nothing quite like sitting in a truck bed with three mentally exhausted girls, drinking a beer, and petting Davida's basset hound, Ghandi, while lightning flashes in the distance and Batman entertains. It was a good night. When I got back (we opted out of the double feature-Journey to the Center of the Earth) a huge thunder storm broke and the thunder and lightning kept me from falling asleep.
Then I woke up early (ON MY ONE MORNING OFF!) went for tea with Grandma and Grandpa, and then they came with me to the farmer's market and to the Bennington Pottery store (my London Underground mug is chipped and in my heartache about it I decided to replace it with a Vermont souvenir) and then we had lunch and they left. It was a really nice visit. Grandma says the nicest things, and it's nice to be around people who miss mom as much as I do. As you all know.
So this afternoon, I meant to get my car battery replaced because I am currently immobile, but I didn't because I took a nap to recover and now it's too late. Darn it. And I know that I should do at least a mild amount of work this afternoon. But I really really don't want to. So there.
This last week has been very difficult. I did pretty well in my first "semester" of chemistry, and am now in the middle of my semester of bio and second semester of chem. The second semester of chemistry is more quantitative, which is a good thing and a bad thing. The work takes less time to do but is trickier for me than what we were doing before. Bio is a dud class. I enjoy learning the stuff, but it's a lecture style class (there are only six of us so this hardly seems appropriate) which disappoints me.
Carin, my incredibly sweet next door housemate, was surprised last weekend when her boyfriend Connor came out to visit a day early and proposed. They've been dating since they were fifteen and are a really really sweet couple. Congratulations! He's been staying back in L.A. where he works and is moving out at the end of the summer.
Those are the only eventful things. Everything else is just work.