Andrew Ghetia managed to make an oral about Dmitri Karamazov funny. Congratulations, Ghetia! (For those not completely immersed in my culture, an hour-long oral administered by three tutors follows completion of the senior essay: mine is sometime after spring break and Ben's is next week). Ghetia's essay was called, "How is such a man alive?": Dmitri Karamazov's Three Suicides. I may have messed up that wording, but it's something very near to that. I have a bunch of pictures of Ghetia dressed up for his oral and everything, but I think I like this one better:
Sorry I'm not posting very much. I'm pretty busy and am really enjoying these last couple months of university liberty. News: I'm going to Ohio for a few days in March during spring break. Grandma and Grandpa Callahan are back from Brazil and any phone calls from their grandchildren would make them soooo happy. This year is Grandpa's birthday as well as their 60th anniversary. I am now completely confident answering the question, "So, are you going to get married?" with a firm: "No." (Followed by my own disarming nervous laughter at my bold answer) The St. John's administration has become increasingly LAME in their responses to student parties, gatherings, signs, pretty much everything. If someone like ME is getting pissed off at their evil legislating-for-virtue tactics, then it must be REALLY bad. In protest, I am getting rid of my spring cleaning leftovers by holding a rummage sale this weekend and breaking the rule against making a profit on campus. (I think this rule is funny because I make $35 an hour using the school's lab supplies to tutor my boys) This whole rummage sale could blow up in my face... but here's hoping it doesn't!!!
I really like that first picture. All this finality is very exciting.
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