Thursday, October 05, 2006

A Cry for Help

It was in pre-class chat mode in my math tutorial today, that I discovered that my class-buddy, Mr. Tisher, has a blogspot blog. This is good news.
Help, Mr. Tisher!

I don't know how to work this thing. You see, dear family, I would love to have links to your blogs on my blog, but I haven't been able to figure it out. I want to include youtube videos too, but can't manage it. So this is a cry for help. Isn't it Q in a James Bond film who says he can't work the keys to hotel doors? Don't look down on me, just think of what we all have in common with Q: random gaps of knowledge.

Something that's been bothering me recently...the stupidity of television characters. My new obsession with TV on DVD has been very frustrating:
House: All of the characters are stupid except House, who is wonderful and very, very insensitive. Case in point- Dr. Cameron, the goody two-shoes of the bunch who is incessantly raising irritating pseudo-moral questions, sleeps with the hunky Australian doctor and treats patients with kindness or cruel indifference depending on her opinion of the patient's worth. Dr. House, on the other hand, treats everybody like shit all the time. His consistency and honesty makes him the most compelling member of the cast, and Dr. Cameron looks like a confused gerbil.
Even worse, is Grey's Anatomy: I mean, I don't even know where to begin! In an ensemble cast of ten characters, only one, Dr. Bailey, behaves like a real person. The worst are Meredith Grey and Dr. Shepherd, who sleep around and lead everyone on, treat each other like shit, and then sleep with each other at the end of the second season, just when they had each almost managed to work things out with their other partners. My only consolation is that they deserve each other, and that at least Dr. Shepherd's wife, Addison (also Dr. Shepherd) won't have to put up with him anymore.
I feel similarly about the main characters of Lost. I just detest Jack and Kate. The good thing about Lost is that it has characters like John and Hurley et al. to make up for Jack and Kate. In Grey's, though, the people are just all totally crazy. So, what I'm wondering is: why do all the shows make such distasteful lead characters? Am I supposed to be so overcome with lust for McDreamy or Jack that I ignore their ignorant, domineering, self-centered personalities? Am I supposed to cheer on slutty girls like Meredith Grey? No can do, TV people. And if you think that your characters are disturbing because they're "like, so real" I feel sorry for you. People are confused and deceitful at times, but the people I know would not be able to go on their merry way leading happily self-destructive (and just plain-old destructive) unexamined lives.


Anonymous said...

Anne I can help you. It also might be easier for you if you switch to the beta blogger.

Anne Marie said...

Not after what I've seen Jaime go through!

Tisher said...

Looks like you got all linked up. And you even added me. Sorry I read your blog too early and then too late.

Anonymous said...

The switch to Beta is completely innocuous if you don't share an e-mail address with your spouse who also has a blogspot blog--in other words, I am an idiot and paid dearly for my idiocy. You, my dear, will handle it brilliantly.